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Interviews & Career Clothes Closet

The job interview can be one of the most nerve-wracking moments of your life. So how do you prepare for this important step in the job search? The following is some information to help you prepare for the job interview. Use Navigate to schedule a practice interview with one of our staff members in Career Services!


job interviews

  1. Be on time, which means 10-15 minutes early.
  2. Learn the interviewer’s name and how to pronounce it. You should always use Mr. or Ms.
  3. Bring a spare copy of your resume, pen, and paper in a padfolio.
  4. Expect to spend some time developing rapport. 
  5. Be aware of your non-verbal communication, including eye contact and posture.
  6. Nervousness is not a negative. Nervousness indicates that you are interested in the position. However, avoid nervous mannerisms like tapping your fingers, playing with a pen, etc.
  7. Do not exaggerate or lie.
  8. Do not take over the interview. Answer each question and wait for the next one.
  9. Be prepared for some personal questions, even some inappropriate ones. Some interviewers may not be aware of what they can legally ask. Try to anticipate how you might handle personal questions.
  10. Be sure you understand the question. Feel free to ask for clarification.
  11. Do not apologize for lack of experience or weaknesses.
  12. Be self-confident, but not over-confident.
  13. Let the interviewer bring up the salary.
  14. Silence is not a problem. Feel free to take a few moments to think about an answer.
  15. Emphasize what you can bring to the organization. Employers want to know what you can do for them.
  16. Do not try to give the answer the interviewer wants.
  17. Always focus on the positive. Do not talk negatively about previous supervisors, co-workers, etc.
  18. Have a few questions ready. This demonstrates that you have taken the time to research the company.
  19. Do not expect an offer on the spot. It may take a few weeks to process your application.
  20. Be yourself. You want to be hired for who you are, not on the basis of something you are not.

  1. What do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?
  4. Why should I hire you?
  5. What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful in business?
  6. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
  7. Why did you select your college or university?
  8. What led you to choose your major/field of study?
  9. What college subjects did you like the least and why?
  10. What college subjects did you like best and why?
  11. How has your college experience prepared you for a career?
  12. Describe your most rewarding college experience.
  13. Do you have plans for continued study or an advanced degree?
  14. Do you think your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?
  15. What have you learned from participating in extracurricular activities?
  16. What do you know about the company?
  17. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to the company?
  18. What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to work?

  1. What qualities do you look for in potential employees?
  2. What does it take to advance in your company/field?
  3. What do you consider to be your organization’s three most important assets?
  4. What do you see for your company/organization in the next 10 years?
  5. Is this a newly created position or is someone being replaced?
  6. How would I spend a typical day?
  7. What is your anticipated timeline to hire for this position?
  8. Can I provide you with any further information?


Career Clothes closet

We are so excited to announce our NEW space for students to find professional attire at UAFS -- the SUIT UP STUDIO, located in Flanders 110! 

The Babb Center for Career Services' Suit Up Studio is for current students who need attire for job and internship interviews or classroom presentations. Available professional attire includes gently used business suits for men and women, button-down shirts, blouses, ties, etc.  Access is FREE to all students by appointment or during scheduled open hours. Students, please utilize Navigate or email CareerServicesFREEuafs to schedule an appointment.

Interested in donating your gently-used professional attire to the Suit Up Studio? Please call our office 479-788-7017 or email careerservicesFREEuafs%20to schedule a time to drop-off your items.

Please note – we will only accept items that would be considered business professional or business casual. No shorts, shoes, tank tops, formal wear, etc. 

What we are looking for: dress pants, slacks, dress shirts, suits, polos, belts, ties, sweaters, blouses/tops, skirts, dresses, etc. that would be appropriate for an interview or work environment. Please ensure items are clean/laundered, have all buttons, working zippers, and are free of holes, snags, pet hair, odors, stains, etc.  Anything donated that doesn't meet this criteria, we will graciously decline or donate to a local thrift store such as Goodwill or Savers. 

Thank you in advance for your support!