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In-Progress Grade Policy

At the end of any semester, an instructor may assign a grade of in-progress (IP) if extenuating circumstances have prevented the student from completing all course requirements. An IP grade is appropriate ONLY in situations where the student has completed at least 75 percent of the course requirements based on the professional judgment of the instructor. Any exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the provost. The instructor shall make a professional judgment on a case-by-case basis concerning the efficacy of assigning an IP grade.
If a grade of IP is to be assigned, the instructor will make a written contract with the student, list work to be completed, and provide a specific date for completion of the course work. The IP contract should be signed by the student, instructor, and dean (or dean’s designee). The instructor will then file the contract with the Registrar’s Office, which will enter the IP grade for the student.
If the remaining course requirements are not completed by the end of the subsequent spring or fall semester and a final grade has not been assigned by the instructor, the IP grade will be changed to an F. If the contract on file in the Registrar’s Office has a later completion date, that contract date is the final deadline for assigning a final grade. The IP contract cannot be extended beyond the original date without permission from the dean.
In instances when extenuating circumstances prevent the instructor and student from completing the IP contract before the end of the course, the instructor should email the registrar and copy the dean with a request to assign an IP grade. The request should include the reason why the instructor could not complete the IP contract with the student (e.g., a student is hospitalized just before the final exam and is not available to come to campus to sign the paperwork). The instructor and student will be expected to complete an IP contract as soon as circumstances allow, with the completed contract forwarded to the Registrar’s Office.