Submitting Final Grades in Blackboard
Instructions for Submitting Final Grades for Courses Using Blackboard Learn Grades
Instructors of courses using Blackboard Learn (Bb) should use the grades push feature to enter final grades. This allows grades to be kept in Bb and pushed into Banner Self-Service without manually entering each grade. (See below regarding F grades and last date of attendance.)
Approximately two weeks prior to the grade due date, Instructional Support will send
an email to all faculty teaching courses with a Bb component asking each if they want
to opt in to the grades push. Instructors must reply to this email for the grades push feature to be enabled for
their course.
Using the grades push feature requires the use of the "Overall Grade" column in Bb. It is a unique column in each course that will calculate the final grades for the course. The grades must be set up as letter grades, either A, B, C, D, or F. IPs and Ws are not entered. See "Grading Schemas" in the Bb instructions for information on how to set up letter grades.
Instructors must have the "Overall Grade" column prepared prior to the deadline for the grades push each semester.
To set up the Overall Grade column:
- Navigate to the Gradebook in your course.
- Click the Grades tab in the Gradebook.
- The Overall Grade column should be the first column.
- Click the icon above the name of the column.
- Click Edit.
- Set up the column to use the categories and items (columns) you will use to calculate the grade. Turn off the ones you will not use.
- Select your letter grade schema in the drop-down menu for “Select how the overall grade is displayed.â€
- Save any changes.
NOTE: The last date of attendance must be entered for each F. Bb does not allow this
entry in the Overall Grade column, so all F grades and the corresponding last date of attendance must be entered in Banner
For questions about grading in Bb and/or the grades push process, contact Instructional
Support at instructionalsupportFREEuafs.